Monday, April 6, 2009

Ameriplan has changed my life

I am now able to spend time with my kids and do the things I couldnt do at a regular job THANKS ameriplan.

Always have hope

Hi my name is Regina and I am 32 yrs old. At the age of 32 my life is great but it hasnt always been good.What Im about to tell everyone is the reason I always tell people not to ever give up it will get better even though at the time I didnt think so.At the age of 19 I married the greatest man. After 3 yrs we had a son that now made us have 3 boys he had 1 I had 1 and we had 1 together. Things were good until our son was 2 yrs old when my husband was told he had liver and colon cancer.That was the hardest thing I ever had to hear now I had to juggle taking care of him and 3 small boys.He tried taking treatment but had to stop due to complications.The next 4 yrs were so hard trying to make it on 800 a month on disability. Lost our home had to live with my parents. Then after a year my grandfather died so my parents moved into his house so we had our own home again then after that my husband got really bad and he died on July 30th 2005. Now I was left with no job a house payment, bills 3 kids and no insurance to bury him. Family helped bury him. Then after I got my head on straight I found a job as an union carpenter.That was the greatest I made good money at power plants and built scaffolds so I stayed in shape. But I was still so lonely and wondered who would ever want a woman with 3 kids? Well I meet someone that ended up being an abuser. So here I was again devastated by what I put me and my kids threw. A few months after that A man that was my closest friend at work that I talked to about everthing ended up being the greatest man I could have ever wanted for me and my kids.After a little while I let him meet my kids they hit it off.I couldnt be happier.He lived 1 hour away so he then bought a house closer to me and the boys. Then shortly after that my house burnt down me and the boys lost eveything.Now what I told myself but the man of my dreams opened his doors to us and didnt think twice about it.We got settled in he bought all new things for us maxed out all his credit cards.After a little while I had to take a medical leave from work and he still has been behind me 100% I said something about working at home he said that was a good idea. Thats when I found Ameriplan and Jessica.So my point is that dont ever give up you might think your life is over but Im living proof that you can bounce back FROM ANYTHING. JUST HAVE HOPE!